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Casa di Goethe

Museums & Art Centres
Casa di Goethe is Germany's only museum on foreign soil. Opened in 1997, it shows the very rooms where Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) stayed during his journey to Italy (1786-1788).

He stayed here together with the painter Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein and other German artists. 

Casa di Goethe has its own collection and displays a permanent exhibition explaining Goethe's journey and his sojourn in Rome. It also has temporary exhibitions and cultural events in German and Italian such as talks, readings and colloquiums. 

In addition, The casa di Goethe contains  a specialized library with a rich selection of first editions, illustrated editions and secondary literature on appointment. 

For more detailed information, see website.



Casa di Goethe

18, Via del Corso
00186 Rome RM