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Fuglsang Kunstmuseum

Museums & Art Centres
Fuglsang Kunstmuseum is part of the Fuglsang Cultural Centre (see hereunder) and displaying works with emphasis on Danish artists and local provenance. 

Inaugurated in January 2008, the museum houses an important collection including paintings, sculptures and sketches from the end of the 18th century to the current day.

The galleries are arranged around a long corridor at the end of which is a small room with three large windows and no artworks displayed. It is entirely dedicated to contemplation and viewing the exterior landscape, an artwork on itself.

For more information concerning collections and visits, see website:

For more information concerning the Fuglsang Cultural Centre and Manor, see website:

Since 1997 the Storstrøm Chamber Ensemble is also based at Fuglsang, see website:



Fuglsang Kunstmuseum

Fuglsang Kunstmuseum
Nystedvej 71
4891 Toreby L