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International Center of Photography Scavi Scaligeri

Museums & Art Centres
The International Center of Photography Scavi Scaligeri (Centro Internazionale di Fotografia Scavi Scaligeri), housed in the Palazzo del Capitano, offers a unique setting both for traditional events, such as national and international artists’ exhibitions, thematic workshops, didactic itineraries for adults and children, photography courses... 

Restoration works on the palazzo del Capitanio architectonic complex, brought to light numerous Roman and medieval archaeological findings, and is one of the largest urban archaeological sites in Northern Italy.

The (restored) area has been housing photographic art events since 1996, and this is where the International Centre of Photography Scavi Scaligeri was founded to promote divulgation, study and development of the art of photography.

For more detailed informations, see website



International Center of Photography Scavi Scaligeri

Cortile del Tribunale
37121 Verona VR