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The Lost Gardens of Heligan

Gardens & Parks
The Lost Gardens of Heligan is a rediscovered garden, and rescued since 1991. It became full attention through a book and by a televised TV project in 1996. Heligan has been the seat of the Tremayne family for over 400 years. However the 20th century, with the WW I and WW II, the property fell into decline.

During the 1970s the house was even sold and divided up in apartments. However the surrounding estate, remained in the hands of the family.

Developed during the 18th century by Rev. Henry Hawkins Tremayne, the gardens include enormous rhododendrons, camellias, lakes, two large sculptures named Mud Maid and Giant's Head... 

Today the restored gardens, covering 81 ha (200 acres), are a great attraction for explorer, wildlife, plant lover and garden romantic.

For visits and more detailed information, see website




The Lost Gardens of Heligan

The Lost Gardens of Heligan
PL26 6EN
United Kingdom