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National Museum of Lithuania - New Arsenal

Museums & Art Centres
The National Museum of Lithuania was one of the first museums to be established in the country, and heading eleven museum branches. The museum branches in Vilnius are: At the Vilnius castle and former military fortress buildings, Gediminas Castle Tower, the Old and New Arsenals, the Bastion of the Vilnius Defence Wall, the Former Detention House, the House of Signatories, the Kazys Varnelis House–Museum,

The museum branches outside Vilnius are; the Birthplace of Jonas Basanavičius, the Vincas Kudirka Museum and the Palanga Burgomaster Jonas Šliupas Museum.

At the New Arsenal the visitors learn about the history of the Lithuanian state and its culture.

All the other individual museum branches of the National Museuù of Lithuania have their own Business-Page on Tripendy.



National Museum of Lithuania - New Arsenal

Arsenalo g. 1
1143 Vilnius