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Natural History Museum of Verona - Palazzo Pompei

Castles & Country Houses, Museums & Art Centres
The Civic Museum of Natural History of Verona (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale) is dedicated to the study of minerals and rocks, palaeontology and zoology, and is housed in the Palazzo Pompei. The prehistoric and botanical sections of the museum have been moved to the Command Headquarters building at the former Austrian Arsenal.

The highlight section is the famous 'Bolca fossils' collection which includes specimens of more than 250 species of animals and 200 species of vegetals from the Lessini mountains at 50 kilometres from Verona a telling prove of what life on Earth was like 50 million years ago, and how it evolved.

The Palazzo Pompei is a beautiful Renaissance palace built by Michele Sanmicheli between 1535 and 1540. The Pompei family bought it in 1579 and lived there for two centuries. In 1830, the last descendant of the family gave it to the municipality, which bought adjacent buildings to create the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. 

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Natural History Museum of Verona - Palazzo Pompei

Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 9
37129 Verona VR