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Bertrand de Lavergne Gallery

Antiques & Art Galleries
The Bertrand de Lavergne gallery, established in 2015, is showing Chinese export porcelain, Chinese works of art from the 16th to 18th centuries and Japanese porcelain. The gallery participates each year to the BRussels Art FAir, to the"Parcours de la Céramique" in Paris and took part to the "Salon du Collectionneur" and to the "Biennale des Antiquaires", Grand Palais, Paris.

Bertrand de Lavergne belongs to the “International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society” of Baltimore and to the “Association Européenne des collectionneurs de Flacons Tabatières Chinois” of Paris (European Society of Chinese Snuff Bottles Collectors).

For more detailed information, see website


Bertrand de Lavergne Gallery

17 Rue des Saints-Pères
75006 Paris