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Tata Castle

Castles & Country Houses, Museums & Art Centres
Tata Castle dates back to the end of the 14th and has been built and rebuilt several times, whereas it served as a royal summer residence during the reign of King Sigismund of Luxembourg (1368 – 1437)and that of King Matthias Hunyadi (1443 – 1490).

Thanks to the Esterházy family the castle got during the 19th century the features as we see it today.

The castle houses the Domokos Kuny Museum since 1954, including the collection of the Piarist (Tata-Tóváros) Museum founded in 1912, Bronze and Roman Age archeological finds together with exhibits related to natural history, local history, decorative and applied art as well as home and international ethnography, including fine products from Tata’s faience manufacture.

For more detailed informations, see website


Tata Castle

Váralja u. 3