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Collezioni Comunali d'Arte, Bologna

Museums & Art Centres
Municipal Art Collections (Collezioni Comunali d'Arte) are since its inception in 1936, housed in Palazzo D'Accursio. The collection includes not only paintings from the Middle Ages to the present day, but also art objects, furniture, porcelain, fabrics, lace, embroidery, miniatures and important wooden crucifixes.

The beautiful Baroque Palace D'Accursio, the city's Town Hall, houses the museum on the second floor, were once the official quarters of the papal legate were installed.

The palace has some stunning features, such as the 'Hall of the Communal Council', with a ceiling frescoed by Angelo Michele Colonna (1604 - 1687) and Gioacchino Pizzoli (1675–1677). Another famous hall is the 'Farnese Hall', where Emperor Charles V was crowned as King of Italy.

For more detailed informations, see website



Collezioni Comunali d'Arte, Bologna

Piazza Maggiore 6
40121 Bologna BO