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Museum and Botanical Garden of Lausanne

Gardens & Parks, Museums & Art Centres
Museum and Botanical Garden of Lausanne comprises not only the museum and botanical garden in Lausanne, but also a botanical garden in the Alps, La Thomasia, Pont-de-Nant.

The museum dates back to 1824. It has a well known library.

The Botanical Garden of Lausanne, with more than 6,000 plants, has its origin in the donation by Baron Albert de Büren of his collection of 1700 plants to the state in 1873.

The Alpin Garden in Vallon de Nant was created in 1891, by the initiative of the city of Bex. It is the oldest continuously active alpine garden in the country, and has a subalpine climate.

For more detailed information, see website


Museum and Botanical Garden of Lausanne

Avenue de Cour 14bis
1007 Lausanne