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Museum and Library of Hungarian Agriculture - Vajdahunyad Castle -

Castles & Country Houses, Event, Film & Wedding Hire, Museums & Art Centres
Vajdahunyad Castle, located in Budapest's City Park, was built in 1896 for the Millennial Exhibition, and houses today the Museum and Library of Hungarian Agriculture, the biggest agricultural museum in Europe.

Designed by Ignác Alpár, It was conceived  for representing several landmark buildings from different regions of Hungary and has consequently all sorts of styles. At the start it was made from wood and cardboard but its popularity persuaded the authorities to rebuilt it properly in brick at the beginning of the 20th century. The castle contains the statue of the film actor Béla Lugosi, who played Count Dracula in its original version in 1931.

Vajdahunyad Castle is also a venue for film & photo shooting, cultural, corporate and private events, such as concerts, receptions, weddings...

For more detailed information, see website


Museum and Library of Hungarian Agriculture - Vajdahunyad Castle -

Vajdahunyad vár