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The Fondazione Roberto Longhi

Museums & Art Centres
The Fondazione Roberto Longhi was founded in 1971 by the last will and testament of the academic, art historian and curator, Roberto Longhi (1890 – 1970). He left his library, photo library and collection of art to the foundation “for the benefit of future generations”

The foundation is housed in the villa “Il Tasso” which Longhi acquired in 1939 and was the residence of Longhi and his wife Lucia Lopreste, the writer Anna Banti. She bequeathed the villa and its furnishings to the foundation.

The Foundation is mainly focusing on art historical research, on contemporary and non-contemporary artists including specific artistic themes.

Longhi was a specialist in the painters Caravaggio and Piero della Francesca. 

The museum is open only to scholars and by appointment.

For more detailed informations, see website



The Fondazione Roberto Longhi

Via Benedetto Fortini, 30
50125 Florence FI