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Slovak National Gallery – Esterházy Palace

Museums & Art Centres
The Slovak National Gallery, established in 1949, is a network of galleries in Slovakia with its headquarters in the Esterházy Palace. It has a large collection of over 70.000 works of art, from Slovakian and international master artists.

The collections contain: Old Art, Modern and Contemporary Art, Architecture, Applied Art and Design.

Next to the headquarters in Bratislava, the Esterházy Palace with its Modern Extension, the Museum has important branches: the Zvolen Castle in Zvolen, the Strážky Mansion in Spišská Belá-Strážky, the Ľudovít Fulla Gallery in Ružomberok, and the Schaubmar´s Mill in Pezinok-Cajla

The Esterházy Palace, a Neo-Renaissance private residence from the 19th century, was reconstructed for the purposes of the gallery in the 1950s and a modern extension was added in the 1970s

The Slovak National Gallery organizes exhibitions and many cultural, social and educational programs for the public, such as presentations of the works of contemporary artists, exhibition openings, book launches, film screenings and literary festivals at the Berlinka Gallery. 

For more detailed informations, see website





Slovak National Gallery – Esterházy Palace

Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 811 02
811 02 Bratislava