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The Burrell Collection

Museums & Art Centres
The Burrell Collection is a stunning collection of over 8000 objects, containing medieval art, islamic art, ancient Egyptian art, art from China, modern art with impressionist works by great artists such as Cézanne and Degas, and many other objects of art from around the globe.

This extraordinary collection was brought together by Sir Willian Burrell, a wealthy Glaswegian shipping magnate and art collector, who donated in 1944 his lifework to the city of Glasgow.

The museum, housed in a modern building in Pollok Country Park, surrounding Pollok House, was opened by Queen Elisabeth II in 1983.

For more detailed informations, see website


The Burrell Collection

The Burrell Collection, Pollok Country Park
2060 Pollokshaws Rd, Bellahouston
G43 1AT
United Kingdom