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The Hunterian Art Gallery

Museums & Art Centres
The Hunterian Art Gallery is part of The Hunterian, founded in 1807, which is Scotland's oldest public museum and home to one of the largest collections outside the National Museums. It covers the Hunterian Museum, the Hunterian Art Gallery, the Mackintosh House, the Zoology Museum and the Anatomy Museum. 

The Hunterian Art Gallery features one of the most distinguished public art collections in Scotland, with works ranging from Rubens and Rembrandt to the Scottish Colourists and Glasgow Boys.

The gallery also has an outdoor sculpture courtyard with a small but fine display of modern works by British artists, with names such as James McNeill Whistler, Charles Rennie Mackintosh ...

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The Hunterian Art Gallery

Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow
82 Hillhead St
G12 8QQ
United Kingdom